
This blog will include many of the tricks of the trade I have discovered (usually the hard way!) over the past few years. The blog will also give me the opportunity to let you know about what’s going on around Barb’s Cottage.


The Girls

Posted by on Sep 14, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

The Girls

When you keep chickens for eggs, you need to have a lot of recipes that call for eggs.

These are “the girls” at the Barb’s Cottage in the spring of 2011–Dottie & Hattie, Prissy & Sissy.  Sadly, we lost Dottie, the hen on the far left, during the 2011 summer drought. But even three hens lay quite a few eggs (an average of two a day), so, in addition to giving eggs to friends and visitors here at the cottage, I make pudding fairly often. (more…)